"Third time is a charm." ???
Let's hope! Third blog since 2006. :-) Must. Stay. On. Track.
Life was so busy in the last few years that it was either blog, sleep, eat, and/or have clean unmentionables. I chose the latter three!
Yet in the midst of this busyness, a certain little boy was turning our world upside down, and there's nothing but our own feeble minds that have kept a record of it. This boy's antics are certainly worth recording if for no other reason than for me (his exhausted) mother to recall the events through which I lived! And somehow they are funnier on a screen in front of me.
So begins another online journal to remember this Tornado child of mine and his three brothers. And their Professor Dad. And me. And snippets of our lives. And my decor and baking projects.
Now I have to relearn all things Blogger... Pardon the dust around here as I begin construction.
Thanks for stopping by.
Oh, Martha, this will be a rich read each time, I'm suspecting :) I can tell you that I'm praying for you, but truth is, I'm earnestly praying for you :) I am so glad you shared that you are writing~ May the Lord bless you and your time, Troy, the older boys, and the Tornado. Father, protect them all and give Martha strength and wisdom for this time. In Jesus' name.